• #27
bah, thought that was what the preists jumped about like...
In the above I'd play c6, declined gambit. I'd then get trounced.
• #28
• #29
Il play you...............madrobar@googlemail.com.....will check tomorrow...cheers
• #31
I watched the Fischer doc earlier and was inspired to start playing again. It was going well until my second game, when I lost to a 10 year old Israeli kid.
• #32
• #33
perfectly good option
• #34
Long shot but does anyone have a decent chess computer they want to get rid off?
• #35
I actually do have one but would rather keep it. However, chess.com as a learning resource I think is hard to beat. Even better on an old, or new, ipad.
• #36
Didn't realise this thread was here....
Does anyone have a recommendation for an Android chess app?Id like variable AI, as I'm not great and will need to dumb it down pretty severely.
Id also like local play options if possible.
And in a perfect world, Id like to be able to play online over a long time, sort of like words with friends but chess. -
• #37
I used to have a standalone electronic chess game, which proudly displayed on the box "knows all the rules of chess". Surely that's the minium requirement not a feature.
• #38
• #39
I've been playing for a couple of days on chess.com, mainly desktop but the app is nice too. Add me if you like - username is BrushdonFrusher. You can "play" Beth Harmon. I can beat her aged 8, but 9 is tricky.
• #40
Thank you, Ill get looking.
However im not sure that will work off line? Which would be my preference. -
• #41
hmmmm. Maybe not. I used to spend a lot of my life on there, but i went cold turkey about 2 years ago.
When you're not making a move though I'm pretty sure you'd still be able to see the board to think about your move (or at the very least you could just screen grab it). And you can set the time limits you want to play with - i think it used to be a move every 9 days as the slowest...
It's free to sign up and it is really good so maybe worth checking out anyway. I was always impressed how well designed it was and how much useful training stuff was on there - for every level.
• #42
I'll get signed up tonight and add you.
I also have queen's gambit queued up to start watching this week.... So I'm sure I'll be extra keen while it's on.It's been a few years since I played regularly and I have never been particularly good. I'm exploring a few options to see if I can get a game set up that my grandpa can understand. We used to play a game or two every now and then, but CoVid has stopped it completely. Just by looking at different methods I have found the enthusiasm to play a bit more again.
• #43
It does look good. I reckon I'll get set up to play and see how it goes
• #44
Yup, signed up on lichess but fancied getting away from a screen :)
• #45
Ahhh. I got this one, I reckon I must have had it over 25 years.
• #46
Having just watched The Queen's Gambit, realised I hadnt played chess in quite some years. Used chess.com, and jeeezz, I so much the Hints, takeback options and all that. I cant believe how much my chess brain has obvioulsy shrunk. I stared at the board, went throogh every possible move the oppo could make...and nope, missed really obvious devastating moves loads.
Getting slightly better ( relying less on hints) but the AI keeps coming up with disturbing advice like "that was a blunder"....I'm doing my best okay
• #47
played a bit in the first lock down, one easy site one harder, i kind of got bored cause i couldn't really work out where i was going in an end game sense, i was playing one move at a time trying not to lose a piece and trying to do something attacking but i never really visualised the end of game and what i was ultimately trying to do, and just got a bit bored
• #48
ah it's this Queen's Gambit thing that has got chess back on the radar. got hit up by mate the other day and hadn't realised.
dusted off my chess.com account. am a bang average player. storeboughthair on there so hit me up if stalemates are your thing
chess.com is definitely the best of the free online platforms in my little experience
• #49
Anyone else on gameknot.com?
• #50
This is how i think most feel about chess tbh .)
I play a lot of chess actually and only when i play more than usual do i get an idea of where im trying to go. Its part of the charm i think.
However i mostly play 3min games on chess.com (6min total so 3 min each) which i think makes it a very different game and more enjoyable (for me as im a restless soul). When i play longer games i find myself with way much more time on the clock left than my opponents which puts me at a disadvantage (self chosen but still).
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