That's interesting. So if I were to persist with 00 flour I shoudl try lowering the hydration a bit?
Hydration was exactly the same both times, yes, ~54% in both the first and final doughs.
This was the (long) recipe: http://www.wildyeastblog.com/panettone-recipe/
It's odd because the recipe says to use the same white flour they do for bread, which is counter to what I've heard of Brioche doughs requiring high strength flours. They also say that mixing (the final dough) can take upwards of 30 mins to even an hour. I ended up mixing for an hour just to be sure, but found no development. As I say the Canadian flour came together well under 10 mins.
Thanks for your help.
Did you attempt the same hydration %? Typically 00 pizza/pizza flours have a much lower absorption potential than bread flours (https://thepizzaheaven.com/pizza-dough-hydration/).
In theory, if the overall protein % is the same for the two flours but they behaved differently, it should be due to:
Given you've used two white flours (no bran or germ), it could be due to the glutenin and gliadin ratios being different