That seems to be the case, but I still don't like it, and don't like that it's getting worse.
Me neither. The trouble is that the people who are getting shafted by current economic policies tended to vote Tory at the last election Because Brexit. I voted for a party which would make me, personally, poorer due to taxation. The Wall formerly known as the Red Wall voted for a party which would, inevitably, make them poorer due to being a bunch of old Etonian crony-loving wankstains. Once again, go figure...
I think the serfs in medieval Europe would beg to differ. Quite vigorously. Wealth inequality is getting worse now than it was in recent history, but it's waaaaay better than it has been historically, regardless of the form of currency used. As far as I recall, the Normans had a pretty firm view of wealth distribution, and that was that they should have it all, and that was as way back as the 11th century before fiat currencies had even been thought of. And they did indeed manage to have all the wealth. It doesn't matter what form wealth takes - if the people in power decide that they and their mates should have it all, they will. Because they're in power.