Thanks, I'm trying to work out if I can fit a nest myself. I have this over at the boiler....
Do you (or anyone) know if it is as simple as wiring the heat link in the same way then just sticking the nest on a stand?
I've never done it but that's my understanding yes.
Your current connection panel looks like the usual British Gas/Landis&Gyr/Horstmann etc. Live and Neutral are labelled. 3 is HW on and 4 is CH on. So current 3 goes to Nest heat link 6 and 4 goes to 3. Connect the two wires at the thermostat together with a wago block or similar.
You need to get power to the Nest somehow. That can be from the Heat Link or I assume a back of plug PSU?
Edit: You probably need to take a link from live to the two common connections on the Heat Link (2 & 5).
I had something similar. I just wired a netatmo smart thermostat in to replace the existing thermostat as that can be set up with just the two wires (relay plugs in wherever you want).
You should be able to wire the heat link at the boiler and have the nest wireless somewhere. I didn't do that as I didn't want to have a random unused thermostat or blanking plate on my wall where the previous thermostat had been.
Live comes from the timer (or direct from the mains if you don't have one) through the thermostat. If the temperature is about the set point then the thermostat is an open (off) switch. If the temperature falls below the set point the thermostat closes and turns on the boiler (makes the call for heat line go live). About as simple as you can get.