Amazon doesn't play nicely with either Google or Apple smart home devices... the on-paper compatibility doesn't seem to translate to the real world.
Not that Apple or Google play nicely with Amazon too... a Nest Hello doorbell equally does not integrate with Alexa particularly well (I believe it didn't for about a year, but recently limited support may be back).
The way this is playing out means you need to pick a horse to back:
- Entirely Amazon... the voice assistant isn't as good, they definitely are mining your data and sharing the doorbell with police, etc... but it's best priced and they are covering far more smart home stuff than anyone else
- Entirely Google... they have a tendency to end-of-life things (though haven't yet in home automation stuff), they definitely mine your data to enrich your advertising profile... but it's the best voice assistant and the few things they bring to market are the best of their kind
- Entirely Apple... should be the best... but they have virtually nothing in this space except for HomePod, they don't even go near house equipment yet
- None of the above and attempt to do it all from other vendors but expect to have to use Home Assistant to bring it all together
- Entirely Amazon... the voice assistant isn't as good, they definitely are mining your data and sharing the doorbell with police, etc... but it's best priced and they are covering far more smart home stuff than anyone else
Has anyone successfully used a Google Home Mini and a Ring doorbell together? It seems that on paper it should be possible but everyone who's tried it seems to have failed!