There are a few about with some googling. But I went to Cotswold camping in Betws y Coed. They had (not sure if it's still the case) a couple of guys who were incredibly knowledgeable and spent a lot of time with me. I think it was around an hour and a half working through my foot shape, suitable options, intended use etc.
I have heard that Whalley warm and dry are very good, they are South lakes, and have sorted out my cousin and his very narrow feet.
That looks very painful. As an alternative suggestion to what others have said, if you are considering new boots, have a professional fit. Its completely different from a shoe fit or a trainer fit etc. It did me the world of good. I had a fantastic pair of Soloman boots (sadly no longer made) which lasted me around a decade, but before and after that pair I had nightmare blisters in every pair I tried. The worst offenders being La Sportiva, Zamberlan and Scarpa. It was not unusual to end a short day with 3/4 chronic blisters, often bleeding etc. I reckon I must have spent well over a grand on ill fitting boots which either got passed on or sold on.
After finally resorting to a proper fit I found I have unusual ratio between length of toe and length of arch as well as very flexible toes. Knowing this the guy suggested specific models that would allow for my particular set of criteria, and included options in various price ranges. I ended up with some Meindel boots which are now 5 years old and are probably the comfiest and best fitting footware I have ever had. Not had a single walking boot blister since.