And sometimes they’re right. When I’m cycling in traffic, I accept that manoeuvring predictably is part of being safe. Most E scooter riders I see in London don’t seem to care about that.
As for the hearing part, I definitely depend more on my hearing when I’m cycling than I do when I’m driving. Having a small silent vehicle undercut me by surprise when I’m checking behind me and am moving at 35km/h isn’t something I had experienced, nor did I expect it. Like French_Touch, now I know.
Almost ran into a scooter who undertook me as I was manoeuvring behind and beside several buses. I glanced back to check for traffic, and when I looked ahead the damned thing had suddenly popped up right in front of me, I didn’t ever hear or see it coming.
Edit- maybe they should add a sound effect to the engine, like some electric cars have. Something like this might work https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dDgGMInTqTo