Possibly, but I've been ranting plenty about house boat dwellers on here before so thought I'd give them a break this time.
Don't get me wrong, part of me think the idea of owning a house boat or refurbished school bus looks super cool, but it's the same part of me that thinks shooting a machine gun seems like fun. What annoys me is how they seem to piggy back on other left/liberal causes and claim they've got up on me in this respect.
In my leftie/liberal bubble I am increasingly often crossing paths with small house enthusiasts and those hipsters who refurbish old vans and school busses into mobile homes.
Their aspirations to some kind of virtue annoys me anyhow, but the more particular question I am putting to you guys in this thread is to what extent they can claim to live "sustainably".
I recall a discussion earlier in this thread earlier, where Tester and others showed how crossing the Atlantic with a cruise ship isn't greener than flying as you need to factor in the fuel used to transport all the fixtures needed on a longer journey. I.e. cabins, restaurants etc.
Surely, driving around willy nilly in an old diesel powered vehicle transporting your bed, kitchen and livingroom furniture everywhere you go surely is a similar fuck you to the environment?
As for small houses, I guess I can’t criticise them to the same extent, but it’s not as if they will be using public transport much. My main worry is that they will spearhead a greater suburban sprawl out into hitherto sparsely populated areas. While the initial flag bearers of small housing may be spotless in their environmental conscience, I would assume that if this catches on the standards will slip and the result will be a chaos of small house dwellers all over the place without sensible arrangements in place for rubbish disposal, sewage, water etc.