Electricians, can you help explain calculating PFC? It seems to keep popping up as I need to use it to confirm the size of the CPC with the adiabatic equation.
I thought PFC = U/Zs, but with the examples we've been given, the answers are a bit different.
Also, when we did testing, PFC was either PEFC or PSC - whichever was higher. When you're designing, are you just working off PEFC as it's the CPC size I'm trying to confirm?
Say you have a building with 3 phase coming to a DB, which supplies a second 3 phase DB, which supplies a single phase DB - how do I go about calculating PFC at the single phase DB at the end?
3 Phase DB (A)--------3 Phase DB (B)------Single Phase DB (C)----
Zs@DB=0.09, 0.11, ?
PFC=5kA, 3.7kA, ?
I'm selecting equipment for a planned extension, so all the values for the single phase DB (C) and it's supply etc will be based off calculation.
Do you have Zs values for any of the other boards or are they theoretical? If you know the Zs value at board B, you can use the calculated R1+R2 of your supply cable to give you a theoretical Zs at board C which you can use your formula to give you PFC
Electricians, can you help explain calculating PFC? It seems to keep popping up as I need to use it to confirm the size of the CPC with the adiabatic equation.
I thought PFC = U/Zs, but with the examples we've been given, the answers are a bit different.
Also, when we did testing, PFC was either PEFC or PSC - whichever was higher. When you're designing, are you just working off PEFC as it's the CPC size I'm trying to confirm?
Say you have a building with 3 phase coming to a DB, which supplies a second 3 phase DB, which supplies a single phase DB - how do I go about calculating PFC at the single phase DB at the end?
3 Phase DB (A)--------3 Phase DB (B)------Single Phase DB (C)----
Zs@DB=0.09, 0.11, ?
PFC=5kA, 3.7kA, ?
I'm selecting equipment for a planned extension, so all the values for the single phase DB (C) and it's supply etc will be based off calculation.