It's a little hard to tell and @Airhead will give you the real answer but I'd have thought you could get away with just doing the left. The curtain and window provide a fairly natural break.
I'd line it, emulsion on, then on the join use some filler (probably on the loose side) just filling the gap and removing excess, dry and then sand with a find block. That should give you a neat join.
Ta - yes I figured I might be able to do just that main first bit and fold round into the window to finish. The only join would then be at the top left corner of the window (and below the window which is behind a sofa) which might be able to get a neat enough finish to be acceptable.
I say all this in the full knowledge that last time the missus and I put up lining paper it was almost the end of our relationship, so it is likely that someone else may be used for our sanity.
We've had a leak from an upstairs rad that is now fixed. It has leaked down the pipes chased into the wall of the living room below. The wall affected is covered with lining paper which is peeling off.
Unfortunately the wall is something like 12m long with various windows and alcoves so would be a nightmare.
Is there a way to patch in lining paper rather than doing the whole wall? Or will I be able to get away with just doing from the curtain on the left of the pic to the first window? Or am I going to have to get a man in?