Went over to our plot today to check if last night's storm has ruined the newly installed beanpole structure. That was all good, however it seems the warnings we'd been given about flooding were not as exaggerated as we'd hoped.
I think it's basically due to the high clay content of the soil, so I think we'll be making the raised bed there 3 or 4 decking boards high. Has anyone on here successfully created some kind of trench system to encourage draining?
Lots of worms (lumbricus terrestris - rather than composting/tiger worms), small stones, organic matter and horticultural grit should help. You could sow a load of clover or similar to add hummus to the soil and help drainage.
That’s good to know - we’ve found loads of monster worms on the plot so hopefully now that it’ll be grown on properly rather than being somewhere to bury rubbish, the soil will improve
Went over to our plot today to check if last night's storm has ruined the newly installed beanpole structure. That was all good, however it seems the warnings we'd been given about flooding were not as exaggerated as we'd hoped.
I think it's basically due to the high clay content of the soil, so I think we'll be making the raised bed there 3 or 4 decking boards high. Has anyone on here successfully created some kind of trench system to encourage draining?