• Thinking hard about it you're right again, logically a Z4, MR2 or MX5 would 'beat' a MGB but I know which I'd prefer to see in the garage. This makes me think logic shouldn't be my personal deciding factor. Sounds like I've made my mind up doesn't it although Mrs Jambon agrees with you.

  • That's a completely daft and illogical conclusion to come to, therefore correct, I would have another MG tomorrow if there were any possible justification. Enjoy having a car which the average family saloon would shit upon from an enormous height, I did.

  • Enjoy having a car which the average family saloon would shit upon from an enormous height

    When you put it like that maybe an E30 would be a good inbetween. I think my strategy will be watch ebay for engine swapped track hacks until the spring/summer. Thanks for being the voice of moderate reason, I probably need some of this.
