If you think it isnt the tubing, and what you expected then thats enough to return, and ebay will support. Its a simple open the return with not as described task.
Personally I would speak to the seller first and explain what and why and see what they say. They could be accomodating and avoid the return. I have sold low value things and cocked up the description and when contacted just refunded and said keep the item as an apology. I wouldnt do that for anything more than a few quid though.
If they are a nob about it crack on with the return, but at least you have been reasonable to start with.
How do you know its not what its described as in the listing?
For example if someone sold me a Columbus Max frame and turns out it clearly wasn't, I would expect the seller to accept the return and offer a full refund.
Another example, if a seller repainted an original painted frame and attached incorrect reynolds decals then I would also expect the above too.
Personally if the steel was of a decent quality and it wasn't intentionally mis-sold, not sure if in this case it was? I wouldn't mind, because how could anyone tell without being there when the frame was made what the exact tubing is? I would at least expect the seller to say something like
"I believe it is but I cannot be 100% sure"
If a steel frame is advertised(in listing title and description) as being made of a particular type of tubing (no frame sticker) but turns out to be...not that, that's a 'not as described' case, right?
I've messaged the guy first, rather than opening a return straight away, as a courtesy. Hopefully he's not a dick about it...
But if he is?