So I've been thinking about a small run and how I could do that.
I've maybe shot myself in the foot a bit by selling this one so cheaply but it was a bit of an experiment and based on a fork and materials I had spare and I bought the fork a while ago and have made use of it so I didn't factor in any cost for that, only my labour and to be honest, not even really covering that.
The cheapest way for me to do more is to work with a donor fork as I can buy suitable forks for less than the parts and labour to build one. With this design there is really nothing to be gained by building the 'base' fork either.
I think that realistically I'd be needing to charge more in the region of £120-£150 for them if I were to do any more.
Would anyone still be interested at that kind of pricing?
So I've been thinking about a small run and how I could do that.
I've maybe shot myself in the foot a bit by selling this one so cheaply but it was a bit of an experiment and based on a fork and materials I had spare and I bought the fork a while ago and have made use of it so I didn't factor in any cost for that, only my labour and to be honest, not even really covering that.
The cheapest way for me to do more is to work with a donor fork as I can buy suitable forks for less than the parts and labour to build one. With this design there is really nothing to be gained by building the 'base' fork either.
I think that realistically I'd be needing to charge more in the region of £120-£150 for them if I were to do any more.
Would anyone still be interested at that kind of pricing?