About Dr. Peter Gammons
Dr Peter Gammons is one of the world’s most famous and in-demand Inspirational and Motivational speakers. It is historically documented that he has spoken to larger crowds that any other person in history, with crowds of up to 4 million people in a single rally.
Over the years he has become a friend and adviser to Presidents, Prime Ministers, Royalty, Celebrities and World Leaders.
Peter has spoken to around 100 million people at conferences and events held in almost every country in the world, many held in football stadiums and some of the world’s largest sports arenas.
Conference themes include: ‘The Secrets of Success, Health and Happiness,’; ‘How To Create Your Dream World’ and Peter’s 15-part ‘School of Success’.
As well as being a regular guest on talk shows, his own daily and Prime-Time television broadcasts have been carried on over 1700 stations worldwide, with a global audience estimated at around 2 billion. He has also hosted several popular radio programmes. Peter is especially known for his use of humour to illustrate points.
An award-winning and Best-Selling Author, he has written numerous books, with millions of copies in print. His books have been translated into many other languages including Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Polish, Hebrew, Slovakian and Japanese.
Dr Gammons has earned BA, MA and D Min. degrees from Presbyterian Faith Theological Seminary and a PhD from Canon University, Florida. In 1996 he founded Westward College, Cambridge.
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