I got it single speed, I converted it to fixed for a long time, and it was a very practical bike with a basket for going slowly because ive not got time to die on my way to work pretending to be in the tour de france riding allong the CS3 into oncomming bicycle trafic.
I recently purchased a shimano 9speed deore group from @cybernck (thanks!) in the hope of turning the surly into something even more practical - it might be able to go up hills while carrying things on it! Or maybe do some off roading! Im excited!
I was building it up yesterday and as ever with a bike build you end up figuring out half way through you need a few things.
Im not a dad.
Ive had the surly for a year or so (bought from off here - https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/331003/#comment14636283 ), and i've always thought of it as a long term project.
I got it single speed, I converted it to fixed for a long time, and it was a very practical bike with a basket for going slowly because ive not got time to die on my way to work pretending to be in the tour de france riding allong the CS3 into oncomming bicycle trafic.
I recently purchased a shimano 9speed deore group from @cybernck (thanks!) in the hope of turning the surly into something even more practical - it might be able to go up hills while carrying things on it! Or maybe do some off roading! Im excited!
I was building it up yesterday and as ever with a bike build you end up figuring out half way through you need a few things.
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