F&F will probably become dog friendlier the more they meet your dog/ realise they see you too little.
Top tip, as mentioned before on here: put your dog into day care (if possible)
My pup loves it, he goes once or twice a week for a morning, 4 hours of tearing about with other dogs, living the dream.
It tires him out and gets him more social. If you can afford it, do it. (we pay £13 for half day or £19 for a full day)
Plus it's an option if Aunt Agnes is adamant the dog cannot come into her house and you really need to keep her on board for the inheritance...
Newb q:
I want to get a dog. A whippet ideally. But my wife is really hesitant. She's worried about the restrictions dog ownership will put on being able to visit non dog-friendly friends and family and on the location and duration of holidays. I'm not sure these are really that big of a deal. Can anyone relate some experience around these concerns?
Neither of us have owned dogs before although we both love them and have them in the extended family. We live in a decent sized house with lots of steep stairs. We're in a small town on the edge of marshes and woods. We have a small garden that I'm keen to discourage the local cats from shitting in and we have two kids, 2 and 5 (both of whom are mad keen for a pet).
Whippet and learn to adapt?