The memory chips are attached to the SoC package but are still discrete silicon dies, interfacing over a 128-bit bus, so effective bandwidth is similar to the Intel machines.
The 16GB limit is a deal-breaker for me, but the machines announced yesterday are all ‘entry-level’; there will inevitably be a 4-port 13” and 16” M1 Pro shortly with larger RAM capacity.
The memory chips are attached to the SoC package but are still discrete silicon dies, interfacing over a 128-bit bus, so effective bandwidth is similar to the Intel machines.
The 16GB limit is a deal-breaker for me, but the machines announced yesterday are all ‘entry-level’; there will inevitably be a 4-port 13” and 16” M1 Pro shortly with larger RAM capacity.
The real worry is a lack of support for eGPU...