The RAM is on the CPU now so access speed has increased massively which means less RAM is required. At least that’s how I understand it.
Still a bit dubious about some of the claims. ARM processors aren’t as good at multi thread tasks so not sure how it will translate. iPads always outperform MacBooks on single thread benchmarks when new ‘A’ processors are announced but multi thread processes fall short of Intel / AMD every time.
The memory chips are attached to the SoC package but are still discrete silicon dies, interfacing over a 128-bit bus, so effective bandwidth is similar to the Intel machines.
The 16GB limit is a deal-breaker for me, but the machines announced yesterday are all ‘entry-level’; there will inevitably be a 4-port 13” and 16” M1 Pro shortly with larger RAM capacity.
The real worry is a lack of support for eGPU...
Anyone got a link to some writing about RAM? It maxes out at 16gb now, but maybe that's plenty enough for the new architecture?