Finished my final bit of lockdown carpentry today; creating a small cupboard at the bottom of my bookshelves to disguise the diagonal part of the stairs, and hide the general wonkiness of the wall there. I got a bit carried away with the doors and ended up making traditional panel doors from pine, and fitting 3 hinges just for looks, which made everything just that much harder to fit.
There will be some filling and painting to hide the screw and the joins, but for now it all needs to be removable.
Finished my final bit of lockdown carpentry today; creating a small cupboard at the bottom of my bookshelves to disguise the diagonal part of the stairs, and hide the general wonkiness of the wall there. I got a bit carried away with the doors and ended up making traditional panel doors from pine, and fitting 3 hinges just for looks, which made everything just that much harder to fit.
There will be some filling and painting to hide the screw and the joins, but for now it all needs to be removable.