Not yet. I mixed up a really stiff consistency of rapid set repair mortar and filled the gaps, having removed most of the loose material first. The stiff consistence was to try to reduce the tendency of it to run into the floor void - I couldn't guarantee there was an adequate grout stop/ tray under.
Where I needed to create formwork for the sides I used some timber, lined with shiny cardboard which I generously coated in vaseline as a release agent. It seemed to work well.
While the grout was setting, I gave the surface a few mists with a water spray bottle and worked to improve the surface finish, first with a trowel and then with a damp sponge.
The result looks adequate, but its not fine presentable work. It will however be under our cabinets so thats good enough for me, the main concern was that a cabinet leg might want to rest on a rubble-filled hole :)
We are waiting for it to dry out properly before sealing/ painting. I'll get some photos.
Are you up to the sealing/painting part yet? I've just finished redoing our floor and skirting. This is next on the list, any tips appreciated :)