Look at January first, will they get a senate majority or not? And then 2022, will they manage to flip the senate if they fail in January? Policy is going to be wildly different if they have to wrangle every bit of progress past Mitch McConnell, whose sole job is going to be make the democrats look as bad as possible.
Although there might be some rebellious republicans in the senate, those who got their seat in a traditionally blue state will need to show at least some willingness to cooperate if they want to keep it. But that might be wishful thinking.
what now? Trump floats 2024 run just to stay in the news, Ivanka tries to get the nomination while Republican party is in internal crisis figuring out wether 2024 should be a safe nomination or a fringe. And that depends on how Biden runs the country in next couple of years plus how the fringe grows (or not).