Actually... I had a weak moment seeing a Lauf Grit listed here for bargain. But luckily been sold soon after. I was toying with the idea for the Bombtrack Hook EXT based build I bought from @Ifonlyiwerebelgian (and this one is supposed to be the n+1 'gonnabethebikeheretostay')
As for the budget build, its an old 26" rigid mtb, disc brake mounts welded on, decent 9 spd deore groupo and BB7 brakes. Put on the Billy Bonkers (cus' sidewalls, duh) and will get some wide gull-wing bars and a front loader or rack of some sort.
Firs hit already taken, due to the DIY brake mounts, the standard fenders cannot be secured, gonna need clip-on's or something.
Royal 3 + Lauf Grit?