I got a puncture at Swinley today, at the point furthest away from the car park.
Of course, I had no pump nor tyre worm, but the Rimpact insert enabled me to (slowly) ride the fire roads back to the car.
I did discover that my new pump was Schraeder only, which was annoying- anyone know if there is a way to convert a Topeak pump from car tyre to bicycle tyre?
I got a puncture at Swinley today, at the point furthest away from the car park.
Of course, I had no pump nor tyre worm, but the Rimpact insert enabled me to (slowly) ride the fire roads back to the car.
I did discover that my new pump was Schraeder only, which was annoying- anyone know if there is a way to convert a Topeak pump from car tyre to bicycle tyre?