Nice work on the BMX - was over at the pump track at Cathkin a few weeks ago & there was a guy tearing it up on what looked like a ti BMX frame with bolt through axles & Hope f/r discs - was dying to get a proper look at it but had a rampant 3 year old threatening to take someone right out i so was slightly preoccupied, was a cracking looking thing, no idea what it was...
Think it was a 20" but I could be mistaken - was hard to get a proper looks at it, was either 15 feet in the air or hammering round the berms at warp speed - anodised green hubs / maybe brakes too, loud freehub
Nice work on the BMX - was over at the pump track at Cathkin a few weeks ago & there was a guy tearing it up on what looked like a ti BMX frame with bolt through axles & Hope f/r discs - was dying to get a proper look at it but had a rampant 3 year old threatening to take someone right out i so was slightly preoccupied, was a cracking looking thing, no idea what it was...