Looks like my mate on Facebook misrepresented it.
So a furlough / top up & generousish Covid unemployment scheme.
Like if you earned over 400 euro a week it's not so great, but 350 a week you still get 300 a week, 200 or less you get 203.
Benefits down south are much more generous. Taxes are higher but not sure low tax / high benefit countries exist?
It may politically be easier?
Universal Credit is so poor many people with mortgages etc. (not the "traditionally poor") and skilled jobs have to go to the foodbank after paying their bills.
A known issue Tories refused to address when it came up years ago.
But Sinak has the power and will to extend furlough. I am not disagreeing with you btw, I just suspect that may be a factor.
(R of) Ireland introduced a temporary UBI instead.