So next I got a garage CU also from Screwfix. This one has an RCD for the power from the house and come pre populated with a 16amp MCB for the shed sockets/ring and a 6amp MCB for the lughts.
I'd already left those two cables routed along the ridge board and down through the studs on the gable end wall.
I decided to house it all in the cavity immediately adjacent to the door, so that when the internal cladding is up it will be tucked away.
I put some mounting points into the cavity using old studwork and plywood, and then attached the garage CU. Then I added a double switch at normal height operate the two ceiling lights I wanted, and I third switch higher up for the security light that I'll eventually out outside.
So next I got a garage CU also from Screwfix. This one has an RCD for the power from the house and come pre populated with a 16amp MCB for the shed sockets/ring and a 6amp MCB for the lughts.
I'd already left those two cables routed along the ridge board and down through the studs on the gable end wall.
I decided to house it all in the cavity immediately adjacent to the door, so that when the internal cladding is up it will be tucked away.
I put some mounting points into the cavity using old studwork and plywood, and then attached the garage CU. Then I added a double switch at normal height operate the two ceiling lights I wanted, and I third switch higher up for the security light that I'll eventually out outside.
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