• #62477
You get arrested and thrown in jail, don't you?
These days.
• #62478
If you say you're English? I believe so
• #62479
Sadly yes but its complicated, the ruling party suppress true democracy through ethnic federalisation in the name of self determination. In a country with many ethnic groups (nearly 100) there will always be a group that will feel underrepresented with the centralisation of power within the capital and through an increasingly authoritarian governance model. Some people call for the end to ethnic federalisation, some call for reform, either way the country faces challenges and Ethiopia deserves a better political system.
• #62480
UK terrorism threat level raise to 'severe'
(meaning an attack is highly likely) -
• #62482
Thanks. And indeed colonial borders should probably be abolished, but that would usher in another set of problems. Not something I really understand.
• #62483
"The judge took account of the defendant’s young age and his diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder."
• #62484
Radicalised at 14. What a sad story.
• #62485
2 counts of indecent images of children. Nazi pedos....
• #62486
White/middle class/well-connected family
= no jail!
• #62487
last time i checked, being a Satanist isn't a crime.
Hail Satan!
• #62488
The autism diagnosis is I think relevant. And it's not mentally ill. Autism is a neurological difference not a disease/mental illness.
But since the home office nearly deported a black autistic man because he was involved in theft of a mobile phone (he tried to stop it if parents are to believed) I am not convinced other factors don't play a role here.
The judge applied a law where you get seen as automatically part of the crime, that law is problematic of course and mostly affects certain groups.
Even leaving all that out: Poor family without massive legal funds VS family with good legal defense...
• #62489
• #62490
At this earlier hearing prosecutor Dan Pawson-Pounds said Vaughan had looked on Google maps for the locations of schools near his home
Yeah that's no biggie, I'm on google maps all the time, what's the big deal?
and searched for explosives and plastic pipes.
• #62491
This is why the internet was a mistake.
• #62492
sounds about white.
• #62493
Exactly the case I refer to.
And that's why I am not convinced the autism diagnosis was applied equally, because what is really the lesser crime here? (IF and that is an IF he even was involved in stealing the phone)
5 years, I mean, WTF
• #62495
Any other day the headline would be about possible criminal charges for the corrupt filth in the Met who interfered with the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation to make sure his killers escaped justice..
• #62498
The poor fucker would probably have a great time in Iran. Don't be ignorant like this.
• #62499
I would love to travel to Iran - not right now obvs - but I suspect I would enjoy it less if my job was to go there to patronisingly “explain” macron’s obvious islamaphobia
• #62500
Sorry i thought you were insinuating that something bad would happen to the poor fucker. I was reading too much in to it.
Can't imagine it would be a fun job to do indeed.
Ant Financial's IPO (set to be the biggest ever) has been suspended, presumably until after the US election but also god knows what else is going on, Jack Ma's star has finally fallen.