The moment people think it's ok to intimidate political opponents with threats of violence
Being lucky enough to view this from a distance, it's a fascinating insight into how this stuff unfolds and norms shift.
I'm sure if you spoke to some of these individuals one by one, gave them an eg of a hypothetical country and asked them if they thought that intimidating opposition was conducive to a democracy they'd say no and recognise it as wrong.
But once people get gassed up there's no telling where it ends.
When you're there, a lot of the US seems more of a developing world country in terms of infrastructure and condition of cars. Sadly it looks like it's heading that way in political terms too.
Armed people chasing political opponents is not exactly the same as demonstrations.
The moment people think it's ok to intimidate political opponents with threats of violence, be it directly or indirectly, something is very wrong.
You read the text on that trumper hearse?