I am the same as @jellybaby have a secondary age kid and she sat across from me for a the first lockdown and barely disturbed me doing her very limited work that was provided up until the summer holiday. She has to isolate at the start of this term and they have improved, everyone now has access to Teams and Sharepoint but it isn't hybrid learning, the teacher just uploads the homework for that day and maybe a scan of a page from a textbook and the ones at home have to teach themselves which I don't consider hybrid. The teachers are very responsive to emails on questions and generally quite apologetic as half the questions are asking why we can't access the topic on teams or been unadded from a group etc.
I am the same as @jellybaby have a secondary age kid and she sat across from me for a the first lockdown and barely disturbed me doing her very limited work that was provided up until the summer holiday. She has to isolate at the start of this term and they have improved, everyone now has access to Teams and Sharepoint but it isn't hybrid learning, the teacher just uploads the homework for that day and maybe a scan of a page from a textbook and the ones at home have to teach themselves which I don't consider hybrid. The teachers are very responsive to emails on questions and generally quite apologetic as half the questions are asking why we can't access the topic on teams or been unadded from a group etc.