BUT wearing a CLOTH mask doubles your chances of infection.
My guess is you wrote that to start a discussion, and you haven’t changed it even though you’ve agreed it’s an unfounded statement. Is your aim to start a discussion about a highly political topic? (Sadly, this issue has become political, like you said in your first post.) If that is your aim, then you’re using incorrect info to achieve an aim, that’s disinformation.
Since you bring up WW2, I’ll mention that there’s been a few articles written recently about how we’re in the middle of WW3: Humanity against Covid. We need coordinated, society-wide efforts in order to beat this thing. Right now, Britain is losing this war. Right now, Britain is divided against a common enemy. Let’s definitely discuss what strategies and tools are useful, but let’s do it rationally, using correct information to do so.
unfounded statement
Most people (me included) won't be wearing the masks in the right way. So yes, I do think it is dangerous to wear a cloth mask. I would recommend getting something much more severe with a replaceable filter designed to prevent the tiny aerosole particles from entering or exiting. Of course, if only 1/1000 people can get one of those professional masks and everyone else is wearing cloth or paper, it's hard to see how this is going to be effective. The study cited (not unfounded) is in a hospital complex, true. So what? You don't think it's an entry point into the conversation? Why would you completely disqualify this if you did not already have a strong point of view that you'd prefer to defend.
WW3: Humanity against Covid
Right. That's a very reasonable position. We should just take people who are skeptical and shoot them in the head as deserters. Nice one.
there’s been a few articles written recently about how we’re in the middle of WW3: Humanity against Covid
We aren't in a war. A war is fairly clearly defined as something else (eg armed conflict between different groups of people) and this isn't a war. It's also not a battle. People that die from Covid didn't die because they didn't fight hard enough.
Other things that need coordinated society change that also aren't wars include the mess we have made of the planet.
I think this term gets banded around as a means to disqualify discussion that isn't fitting into a broad consensus. I think that's really dangerous. Disinfo is when one party purposely (in bad faith) manipulates information to achieve an interested end. For example, operation mincemeat in ww2. British spies planted disinformation about the allied attack on Sicily. Brilliant disinformation campaign.