Fucking infuriating. I know there's magic voodoo shit that they can probably do that I can't, and I'm glad I have a solicitor to do all the other shit for me. But this person, has exactly one, piss easy job to do to make another human being's life less stressful. Can she be fucked? No. If I was half as slap dash, negligent and disrespectful in ANY of the jobs I've had since I was 14, I'd have been out on my ear. There are zero penalties for her just ignoring me and not giving a shit, getting around to sorting out my form when she can be arsed. She owns her firm, no one is going to sack her. The freeholders are unlikely to threaten with taking their business elsewhere as they are even further removed from any ill effects.
I need them to complete the LPE1 form to progress the sale, but they don't have to do it. I'll be glad to see the back of leasehold life and would urge anyone else to avoid it like the plague. I know there can be simple arrangements. Ours was simple, until the solicitors representing the freeholder closed suddenly. So, anything can happen. And when it does, you have ZERO back up.
its all so painful, I want it to be over