• Would be interesting to know how the string is connected to the mirror, at least I assumed it's a mirror.

  • By the look of it the string passes through the black grommets on the reflector and the bulb socket to a weighted base. Here's me hoping it relies on friction alone like the Parentesi or Grcic's OK, would love the adjustability.

  • It looked to me as if the rubber grommets were attached to the edge of the disk, maybe they're drilled though, if they were drilled with a rubber grommet the friction might be enough and the adjustability would be great.

    I would rather have a frame than having it attached to the ceiling but I do appreciate the minimalism. It doesn't even need a stand, looking at the picture I'm thinking that's the transformer dangling underneath it and you could just have a cord to the socket. But the kink in the cable suggests it might have a stand, could just be kinked because the transformer is too light.
