• #23752
I do tend to find that Ubisoft games have this nature of all being the same with slightly different skins.
Very much this. Though the cyberpunk London one does look interesting, and the 80s vision of the future one starring a one-liner spouting Michael Beihn was great fun.
• #23753
Yeah I'd like to play it simply for the reason its London.
• #23754
I actually bought The Getaway (and sequel) just before moving to London to help me get my bearings! Worked surprisingly well!
• #23755
I actually bought The Getaway (and sequel) just before moving to London to help me get my bearings! Worked surprisingly well!
I was going to mention the Getaway! I loved that game, has the series since died a death?
• #23756
As far as I recall the sequel was pretty shit (and the orignal wasn't exactly polished either) and then there was a pretty dreadful PSP port. Showed lots of promise initially but never really lived up to it IMO.
Still damn glad it was made, though if anything it just makes me want to replay the Lock, Stock-style levels from the original Stuntman game!
• #23757
in order to fully max out your stats I think you had to set your intelligence to 9 at the first special setup and then run hell for leather through the wasteland to rivet city to get the intelligence bobblehead boosting your level to 10 (max) before you hit level 3.
this maximises how many skill points you get each time you level allowing you to boost your stats to full if you use a few other tricks here and there.
rough guide to getting the bobblehead.
probably not an issue though as you'd need to start over.
• #23758
Thanks for that. Looks like a fun little trick.
• #23759
Cyberpunk has just been delayed another 21 days to December 10th. If it gets delayed again and I don't get to play it non stop over christmas I'll be quite miffed. Probably just as well though, because my college work would definitely have taken a hit if it was out in November
• #23760
Next delay will be because of the devs will decide to port it to Switch aswell, which will take about 3 years.
Postponed till late 2023. -
• #23761
Dont joke like that , you'll jinx it haha
• #23762
I don't want CP'77 until I have a 3080. Mid December gives me a little more hope.
• #23763
The title is year of release...
• #23764
This seems too good to be true...
1 Attachment
• #23765
'buy it again' one way to find out.
• #23766
Has anyone used Game maker Studio 2? I've got a great idea for a game I want to make, but I've got no experience coding. It seems to have a drag and drop approach which looks relatively beginner friendly.
• #23767
Used the original GameMaker Studio before (was actually the first game engine I used), would recommend steering clear of drag & drop to be honest. You'll likely reach a point where what you want isn't easily achievable and you'll need to drop in some custom code to support it which will be a mess when maintained alongside the drag and drop stuff.
What sort of thing are you looking to build? Top down shooter, side on platformer, 3D MMORPG (don't do that last one btw...)
I'd recommend checking out Godot regardless, it's got a very simple language to write your scripts in, 2D performance is very good (3D is okay, nothing special) and there's a fair amount of tutorials out there these days (not as much as Unity, but it's definitely gaining traction).
• #23768
Ah cool, will take a look at Godot. Thanks.
It'd be a 2D side scroller, sort of light shooting / melee combat. Premise is your a rifleman with a musket and you have to make it back to your troops through a variety of Napoleon era battlefields. Maybe not a 'great' idea.... But something I've always wanted to try...
• #23769
Press X to reload............
Press X to reload............ -
• #23770
Side scrolling Sharpe would be sick though.
• #23771
Check out Receiver if you want some proper reloading mechanics in a game!
• #23772
Cyberpunk has just been delayed another 21 days to December 10th
At this stage!
• #23773
I haven't had a proper detailed look, but this would likely form a good basis for what you're after: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyckz_-Rzq6ClGevL2fneJ5YJnMPKWa4M
-Rzq6ClGevL2fneJ5YJnMPKWa4MDo feel free to fire over any questions btw, whether you go down the Godot route, or decide to go with GMS/Unity
• #23774
Thanks for that vid and advice, I'm going to give Godot a go when the new laptop arrives.
I went down a bit of a rabbit hole, I might switch my design to a top down 2D 'zelda like'.
• #23775
Nice one, it's pretty lightweight (it's able to run on a Raspberry Pi) so don't get too worried about having a high-spec computer to work with it.
Not sure if you spotted it, but this may be of use to you (though I recommend watching the guy's videos at 1.25/1.5x speed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAbG8Oi-SvQ&list=PL9FzW-m48fn2SlrW0KoLT4n5egNdX-W9a
Watch Dogs Legion is one I'm tempted to get quite early on once the Series X arrives, though as I never played the first two I'm planning to pick them up for cheap to play through so hopefully that will be enough time to let the price drop on it a bit. Planning to play through the Assassin's Creed games too as the last I played was 3, can get them cheap from CeX easily enough. Have a list of stuff I want to play through from the last 7 or so years of the xbox one also so plenty to get on with for now.