So 1960s crosswall house has developed a couple of leaks front and back - I posted a while back about the window sill and @Airhead helped me out recommending Zinser All coat - it was hot and sunny and I did fuck all about it. Now its winter and the big rain a few weeks ago really started pissing in at the ground floor ceiling to wall joint, which is actually a giant floor to ceiling window frame.
I have just this morning bitten the bullet for scaffold. And glad I did. At the first floor there are vertical hardwood timber mullions dividing the windows. I started poking around to discover one (in our bedroom) is mush all the way through - so now theres a proper hole in the ship. My diagnosis is that the window frames (face fixed) have, over the years, come away enough to let water collect and dribble around them and into the timber. The house was partially over clad in uPVC at some point but they neglected to do the top section over the first floor windows - so there's no drip either.
I've got more horrible upvc cladding to overclad this top section and can mastic seal around the windows, but these mullions are a fucker - wet rot i'm assuming . Anyone got any thoughts ?
Im thinking to dig out and seal off the base of this mushy hole some-how - over clad the mullion externally with some nice timber (cedar) and the seal the windows up to this, then come at it from inside next summer with expanding foam and filler. I guess the alternative is to cut all or part of the mullion out and replace completely.
Repaircare system would fix that permanently. You could cut/chisel or grind that out until you reach something halfway decent and splice in some new wood with repair care epoxy resin.
So 1960s crosswall house has developed a couple of leaks front and back - I posted a while back about the window sill and @Airhead helped me out recommending Zinser All coat - it was hot and sunny and I did fuck all about it. Now its winter and the big rain a few weeks ago really started pissing in at the ground floor ceiling to wall joint, which is actually a giant floor to ceiling window frame.
I have just this morning bitten the bullet for scaffold. And glad I did. At the first floor there are vertical hardwood timber mullions dividing the windows. I started poking around to discover one (in our bedroom) is mush all the way through - so now theres a proper hole in the ship. My diagnosis is that the window frames (face fixed) have, over the years, come away enough to let water collect and dribble around them and into the timber. The house was partially over clad in uPVC at some point but they neglected to do the top section over the first floor windows - so there's no drip either.
I've got more horrible upvc cladding to overclad this top section and can mastic seal around the windows, but these mullions are a fucker - wet rot i'm assuming . Anyone got any thoughts ?
Im thinking to dig out and seal off the base of this mushy hole some-how - over clad the mullion externally with some nice timber (cedar) and the seal the windows up to this, then come at it from inside next summer with expanding foam and filler. I guess the alternative is to cut all or part of the mullion out and replace completely.
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