I don't think I will bother heating it until it's fully insulated, would be a waste of time. I'm pretty comfortable working in the cold as long as I'm busy.
I would say from what you've described though a wood burner would be your best bet. You can also get some very good small ones with integrated water heaters which are really useful for boiling water but also for introducing thermal mass into the space thus making the heat last longer through the night
So, that's a good question.
Original plan was
phase 1
Build and get it watertight, insulating only the floor (because of the challenge of doing this once the building is built)
phase 2 (when I have more money)
Insulate and clad the internal walls and ceiling and get power out there, using a professional for the more challenging bits of the electrics.
But, we're not really sure how long we'll live here and I don't have much cash, so in the end that's all changed around a bit.
The current situation is the cabin is built and watertight, the ceiling has been insulated with Freecycle insulation and clad in white painted MDF, and I ended up learning the electrical stuff myself and running power from the main house CU.
The walls are currently uninsulated and unclad, and I probably won't get to that anytime soon.
I'm happy to wear a coat while I'm working in there for now
BUT, all of this is yet to come in pictures, so sorry for the spoilers