I've been having a streak of bad luck with wheel purchases recentely. The Gipiemme wheel above turned out to have a cracked connection at one of the spokes and is currently on the way back to Italy. I also bought a HED wheel, that turned out to be a Specialized and had several dents in the brake track.
This on the other hand did arrive in near perfect condition. It is an Elite Shape wheel made in the USSR. According to the seller it was only used on the track, so no brake marks yet. Only downside is that it is a 700c wheel, so I need a new bike :). Hopefully @Breso can help me with that ;)
I've been having a streak of bad luck with wheel purchases recentely. The Gipiemme wheel above turned out to have a cracked connection at one of the spokes and is currently on the way back to Italy. I also bought a HED wheel, that turned out to be a Specialized and had several dents in the brake track.
This on the other hand did arrive in near perfect condition. It is an Elite Shape wheel made in the USSR. According to the seller it was only used on the track, so no brake marks yet. Only downside is that it is a 700c wheel, so I need a new bike :). Hopefully @Breso can help me with that ;)