Well this was a bit freaky! Not looked at any battery websites so wondering what sort of cookies LinkedIn is working too.
An hour after a battery chat and suddenly get an advert for batteries
Nothing on LFGSS would do this.
But if you followed a single link off of LFGSS to anything that provides context, and if you keep all your browsing in one browser... just assume that you already have a Facebook cookie and that so does every other site and it's Facebook that put this together.
My advice remains:
- Google stuff (gmail, drive, etc) in Chrome, with 1 or 2 sites you absolutely trust (for me that is LFGSS) and get into the habit of copying links and opening them in Firefox
- Facebook never
- Browse the web with Firefox with NoScript installed and permanently in private browsing
- Google stuff (gmail, drive, etc) in Chrome, with 1 or 2 sites you absolutely trust (for me that is LFGSS) and get into the habit of copying links and opening them in Firefox
Well this was a bit freaky! Not looked at any battery websites so wondering what sort of cookies LinkedIn is working too.
An hour after a battery chat and suddenly get an advert for batteries