Came here to look at people's extensions, will hang around for Dyson battery info - my V7 has stopped working on high power & suspect it's the battery, any point in getting anything other than the actual Dyson one, preferably not something that will burst into flames? Also resent giving them (more) money, hope his Singapore billionaire pads fall into the sea.
I got one about 5 years ago. Replaced the battery twice now but the best thing I did was take it all apart, clean everything and reassemble. Dyson say not to do it but if you follow YouTube clips it's really simple and made a huge difference.
Cheers, might give that a go - along with a new battery - one popped up on amazon (fuck them too) claiming 3000mAh instead of the original's 2100, what's the worst that could happen...
Came here to look at people's extensions, will hang around for Dyson battery info - my V7 has stopped working on high power & suspect it's the battery, any point in getting anything other than the actual Dyson one, preferably not something that will burst into flames? Also resent giving them (more) money, hope his Singapore billionaire pads fall into the sea.