is this between A103 and Mountview Road?
Yes! Exactly that shallow.
We didn't know it was this quiet when we bought it. I mean... we were being loud and it was mid-afternoon when we looked, you look for 5 minutes and our assumption was that it was noisy, but it was us... we were noisy chatting and talking when we looked.
I never registered or understood what the geography would mean... very quiet, very dark, and storms pass over but we don't feel the direct hit of them.
After last night's conversation on noise I installed a sound meter on my phone.
Brentford, living in a tower block next to the M4, used to be between 60-70 db even at 4am. During the day solidly 70 db.
Crouch End right now is 29 db over a 5 minute average, but when a bird outside burst into birdsong it went to 31 db max, and the min was 28db.
This is the kind of noise level where you could hear a quiet watch ticking on your arm and no road or city noise is present. It's pretty incredible that this is still London.