Ex Local places have their own set of risks that are significantly greater than private properties. Major works bills running in to the tens of thousands are the norm. £80,000 is possible. It's kind of a scandal. There's no limits.
Surprise, nobody wants to be the one left holding the baby. The prolonged maintenance cycles they seem to do creates particularly crazy scenarios where a family will RTB then live for 30 years and pay fuck all then the next lot moves in and gets a £20k bill for the next forty years of use of which they might use, say, two years. And of course they have no choice as to what is done, when, and by who and on what payment terms.
OK, you can get that kind of thing in private estates but it's unlikely - the 'everyone is a stakeholder' model means shorter maintenances cycles and better kept estates. Ignoring cladding scandals. Sigh.
Ex Local places have their own set of risks that are significantly greater than private properties. Major works bills running in to the tens of thousands are the norm. £80,000 is possible. It's kind of a scandal. There's no limits.
Surprise, nobody wants to be the one left holding the baby. The prolonged maintenance cycles they seem to do creates particularly crazy scenarios where a family will RTB then live for 30 years and pay fuck all then the next lot moves in and gets a £20k bill for the next forty years of use of which they might use, say, two years. And of course they have no choice as to what is done, when, and by who and on what payment terms.
OK, you can get that kind of thing in private estates but it's unlikely - the 'everyone is a stakeholder' model means shorter maintenances cycles and better kept estates. Ignoring cladding scandals. Sigh.