• #10878
• #10879
2020 is mental.
Have you guys seen the Borat Guiliani thing?
• #10880
He's not gonna lose. I'm resigned to it now. Blovid Johnson and Trump. Forever.
• #10881
Oh fuucck
• #10882
Just after this Borat runs in the room and says “No Rudy she’s only 15, too old for you”
• #10883
October surprise!
• #10884
Apparently Guiliani has mentioned the incident in a few interviews since. Things like "he tried to catch me out but I didn't fall for it...i just called the police on him".
• #10885
In the same week that he is pushing that Hunter Biden has photos of underage girls on his laptop (which is odd because he said the FBI have had the laptop for a year so surely they would have seen these?). What a total fucking twat.
• #10886
coupled with the story about him owning a computer chock full of child abuse images doing the rounds... someone should have a stern word with him.
• #10887
Is there any evidence to suggest Russian involvement in the Biden laptop thing?
I mean it’s quite likely somewhat fabricated and definitely weaponised but it might be a mistake to roll that in as ‘yet more foreign interference’ finger-pointing. It’s not hard to hack a phone, it doesn’t actually require the FSB.
• #10888
But apparently the FBI issued a warning to media outlets (and Senators) a few months ago that they were expecting data stolen in the Burisma hack, probably emails, to be released in October with the advisory to show exfreme caution due to the chance that the data might have been manipulated or supplemented. This was based on Russian conversations that had been intercepted by the NSA.
• #10889
So today I read some news articles about trumps shenanigans and thought I’d link to them here later. Then I read some more news about his 60 minutes interview and then I read about Gilliani and Borats “daughter”.
I give up.
• #10890
"four - five months ago I had it made, I wasn't coming to Eire, there was no way I was coming"
Trump tells the crowd at his Eire rally that he's only there because he is struggling in the polls. -
• #10891
I mean, it's definitely a bold strategy, coming over here to Ireland during his election campaign! ;)
• #10892
Gerrymandering has gotten out of hand
• #10893
The Borat video is a complete fabrication. I was tucking in my shirt
after taking off the recording equipment. -
• #10894
It just doesn't stop
• #10895
I'm really hoping they've released this clip to watch Rudey squirm for a while & hastily make up excuses only to release another clip that makes it look even worse crosses fingers
I don't bother much with twitter, having spent 10 mins earlier looking at some of the utter shit being spouted by the trumpeteers i've reminded myself why, it's absolutely, depressingly mental
• #10896
I don't bother much with twitter, having spent 10 mins earlier looking at some of the utter shit being spouted by the trumpeteers i've reminded myself why, it's absolutely, depressingly mental
For me it does feel a little different this time round. The people really banging on about the Hunter Biden and Giuliani shit do seem to be in a particularly small echo chamber at the moment.
I mean, if even Fox News has washed their hands of this stuff...
• #10897
There's so much shit being slung that it's not sticking to anyone anymore.
• #10898
A shit forcefield made of shit.
• #10899
Yeah - there does seem to be a smaller, yet more intense circle of crazies compared to the usual MAGA hat "USA - we're #1" lot...
A shit sandwich - with extra shit.
• #10900
So it looks like he’s gonna lose, unless he has something up his sleeve?