Today's garden work. The outdoor tap is on the opposite corner of the house, so I think a water supply would be handy here. And I need rainwater for the ericaceous raised bed, natch.
All that's left to do is to fit the tap, which they forgot to include.
It's not exactly a thing of beauty, but it's less fugly than some of the others I've seen, and will eventually be largely obscured by the new hedge.
Today's garden work. The outdoor tap is on the opposite corner of the house, so I think a water supply would be handy here. And I need rainwater for the ericaceous raised bed, natch.
All that's left to do is to fit the tap, which they forgot to include.
It's not exactly a thing of beauty, but it's less fugly than some of the others I've seen, and will eventually be largely obscured by the new hedge.
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