Seems yes. I Would say we went all screwless and now some are behind books etc I’d probably change some to the non Screwless
https://www.edwardes.co.uk/products/schneider-ggbgu34202usbbwpw-2g-13a-swi-skt-2-x-usb-whi-painted-white?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrNrqgtjD7AIVR-vtCh3hRw8GEAQYBCABEgJNJPD_BwE -
I have the Schneider black nickel in kitchen and brushed silver with white inserts across the rest of the house.
They require deeper boxes so if you have "classic" 25mm boxes then you will need to install new 40mm ones.
Only went for those as a friend used to work for Schneider and could get trade prices (about 1/4 of the online prices you see)
We got Schneider ultimate screwless flat plate which are really nicely finished. Their dimmers for LED are quite expensive though.