Yes - interesting shape case, that one. And I like the blue/naval grey too. But it makes me smart about the time I thought I’d picked up a nice Gents station-type clock on the bay, only to turn up in Leicestershire to pick it up and the fella tell me he’d “only just realised what these things were worth” and flogged it to some antiques type for cash before I got there.
What a bastard. I've ordered one hopefully similar to above for the shop - almost all the ones I've seen have been changed to battery power, which is fine by me.
Yes - interesting shape case, that one. And I like the blue/naval grey too. But it makes me smart about the time I thought I’d picked up a nice Gents station-type clock on the bay, only to turn up in Leicestershire to pick it up and the fella tell me he’d “only just realised what these things were worth” and flogged it to some antiques type for cash before I got there.