Congratulations on passing your test! It's a bit of a truism that you really learn how to drive after your test, so it's not a bad idea to keep your hand in. That said, do you think that driving a vehicle provided by an organisation is the best idea for a very inexperienced driver? Does it serve their purposes well? Are you the best person to provide that service for them? Your bike skills are probably of more value to them.
Maybe a weird one. I recently passed my driving test, but don't have a car or really any reason to drive. But I'd like to keep driving rather than let my recent efforts lapse. I thought one option could be to try to find some sort of volunteer work that requires driving about. I've been doing some meal delivery (on foot/bike) and they need drivers, but don't provide cars. I suspect this is probably the case in most/all volunteer situations, but just in case: Anyone know of any groups looking for drivers and provide the vehicle?