• #352
That's awesome, I'm well excited to try that. Thanks
• #353
Found this beauty today, a boletas but left it for the local populace.
1 Attachment
• #354
My daughter and friends camping in the scottish highlands found these but don't know what they are ...
1 Attachment
• #355
• #356
• #357
Yes Chanterelle - thanks
They reckon they have Girolles ...
"‘Chanterelle’ is the name of a whole family of fungi, which includes the girolle, which is probably the most delicious and highly sought-after of the chanterelles. "
"A Girolle is a specific type of Chanterelle (Cantherellus sps.) - the Yellow or Golden Chanterelle. So what you have here is an example of the binomial naming convention used by scientists, with the genus Cantherellus (general epithet) followed by the specific name C. cibarius (or species epithet)." -
• #358
C. Cibarius, yeah. Generally speaking (at least in the UK), Chanterelle without any additional qualification refers to this species.
• #359
I meant food wise as well :)
I lol’d
• #360
Lots of Shaggy Ink Caps in the woods today
1 Attachment
• #361
1 Attachment
• #362
I wonder if that's a magpie inkcap rather? Very pretty.
We saw some nice shaggy inkcaps today but someone had filched them when we went back for them later
• #363
In Suffolk, just saw a lovely host of new fruit of one of the parasols, the shaggy ones I think. Gonna see if they’re there tomorrow. Probably would leave as they’re right by crops that get regularly sprayed, think there was barley in there this year, red onion last (which I got mad gleanings of).
Going to a heath where I saw untold mush last year, really want to get some liberty caps but it’s been many many years since I picked any, worried I won’t know them!
• #364
Found these today
3 Attachments
• #365
Found these this evening
5 Attachments
• #366
That's quite a haul.
• #368
Are those Pestle Puffballs in the middle under the handle?
Amethyst Deceivers are soooooo pretty!
• #369
I think they're common puffballs, L. perlatum, but not inconceivable.
Pretty AND tasty is my favourite combo!
• #370
Dead mans fingers found digging in the garden.
2 Attachments
• #371
@nefarious are your sure you haven't dug up your wife's dildos?
• #372
Weirdly strong patter that.
• #373
Missed this before. Serious haul!
Are those butter boletes?
• #374
That would be nice! Never found them.
Clockwise from top left: Macrolepiota konradii (no common name, a parasol); Clitocybe nebularis (clouded funnel); Lycoperdon perlatum (common puffball); Boletus baddius (bay bolete); Boletus edulis (penny bun/cep/porcini etc); Clitocybe gibba (common funnel); Suillus luteus (slippery jack); Laccaria amethystina (amethyst deceiver).
The penny buns might actually be Boletus pinophilus or something else - we seem to get a lot of shrooms around here that are very nearly B. edulis but maybe aren't
• #375
Ah wicked. I’m jelly of your identification skills. We found some similar looking boletes but didn’t have the info/knowledge to fancy munching them.
I know who to ask next time.
I meant food wise as well :)
You can buy dowels innoculated with run of the mill mushrooms: