Clockwise from top left: Macrolepiota konradii (no common name, a parasol); Clitocybe nebularis (clouded funnel); Lycoperdon perlatum (common puffball); Boletus baddius (bay bolete); Boletus edulis (penny bun/cep/porcini etc); Clitocybe gibba (common funnel); Suillus luteus (slippery jack); Laccaria amethystina (amethyst deceiver).
The penny buns might actually be Boletus pinophilus or something else - we seem to get a lot of shrooms around here that are very nearly B. edulis but maybe aren't
It's all about the books! Roger Phillips' Mushrooms. Geoffrey Kibby's are supposed to be good too.
Helps having an eye for details and differences, and more so going foraging with someone that already knows their stuff. Edible boletes are one of the safer groups though
That would be nice! Never found them.
Clockwise from top left: Macrolepiota konradii (no common name, a parasol); Clitocybe nebularis (clouded funnel); Lycoperdon perlatum (common puffball); Boletus baddius (bay bolete); Boletus edulis (penny bun/cep/porcini etc); Clitocybe gibba (common funnel); Suillus luteus (slippery jack); Laccaria amethystina (amethyst deceiver).
The penny buns might actually be Boletus pinophilus or something else - we seem to get a lot of shrooms around here that are very nearly B. edulis but maybe aren't