The boiler stopped working yesterday - no Central Heating or Hot Water.
As expected, it was a low pressure issue, so I recharged it, a bit too much, so drained out from a radiator, til I had it at a nice 1.3 bar. All good.
Now CH seems to work but no Hot Water.
I have two zone valves under the boiler. The one with "Hot Water" scrawled in it shows absolutely no resistance when I move the manual lever. No matter whether I have. Hot water tap running or not.
I think the valve must be borked, so it is permanently open and is therefore diverting hot water away from the taps and shower heads. Does that make sense?
I need help:
The boiler stopped working yesterday - no Central Heating or Hot Water.
As expected, it was a low pressure issue, so I recharged it, a bit too much, so drained out from a radiator, til I had it at a nice 1.3 bar. All good.
Now CH seems to work but no Hot Water.
I have two zone valves under the boiler. The one with "Hot Water" scrawled in it shows absolutely no resistance when I move the manual lever. No matter whether I have. Hot water tap running or not.
I think the valve must be borked, so it is permanently open and is therefore diverting hot water away from the taps and shower heads. Does that make sense?
What should I do?