I do love Burnout Paradise, I have it on PS3 and PS4.
I might pick up the Switch version one day.
The price is off-putting, but I don't think i paid for either PlayStation versions, PS3 edition was gifted after the 2011 debacle, and I'm fairly sure the PS4 one was a PS Plus game.
Maybe i should throw a few Sheckles towards EA/ Bioware/ Criterion/ whoever it is these days...
I do love Burnout Paradise, I have it on PS3 and PS4.
I might pick up the Switch version one day.
The price is off-putting, but I don't think i paid for either PlayStation versions, PS3 edition was gifted after the 2011 debacle, and I'm fairly sure the PS4 one was a PS Plus game.
Maybe i should throw a few Sheckles towards EA/ Bioware/ Criterion/ whoever it is these days...